Author: whereskarlo

  • Hiring a Technical Person

    I ran into a post about software developer interviews on The Daily WTF. It was full of software developers complaining about business people and how they are stupid. I’ve interviewed countless people and the game works the same except when it comes to software developers. If a non-tech person shows up for an interview they do…

  • Quote of the Day: Marketing Barking

    Your marketing should do the barking and your product do the talking. – Karl Unless you are a multi-level marketing company of course. Click to read more about product value vs marketing hype.

  • Value vs Hype Explained

    Marketing is considered important by most people. If you are an entrepreneur chances are that you spend a serious chunk of time on it. But can really great marketing fill the gaps of a lackluster product? It depends on if you are selling value or if you are selling hype. Selling Value If you have…

  • Thoughts on Relativity

    Thoughts on Relativity

    Protons can sporadically appear and disappear. They are subatomic and infinitely small and of almost no mass. The universe could also have been created in a similar fashion, and will disappear in a similar fashion. But becausue of its mass, there is more inertia and time distorts and gets slower. For a proton to instantaneously…

  • A Sunset on Mars

    A Sunset on Mars

    Watch and behold, a sunset on Mars. At first it struck me as “another” interplanetary video, but come to think about it, it is pretty amazing. Out there, one year away from our own planet a little robot landed and shot HD video — and it all looks like Arizona. It’s crazy how a place…

  • The Secret to Success Revealed

    $13 million is not bad in cash. I have a feeling this is a brick and mortar-type guy. Who deposits $300,000 in checks? Probably a car salesman. Congratulations, secret millionaire.

  • Ideas vs. Execution vs. Vision

    Ideas, execution and vision are big words in entrepreneurship. They constitute what most success is made of. Even so, people rarely mention them in the same sentence and tend to play favorites. “Execution is more important than ideas” is a common notion held among certain business people. The truth is a different story. To create…

  • Quote of the Day: Stop Wanting

    Stop wanting things from life. Let life come to you instead. – Karl

  • Microsoft Sucks at Product Presentations

    Screwing up a presentation is pretty easy, especially if you work for Microsoft. Just volunteer to present any of their cutting-edge products and the rest will sort itself out. Microsoft has an impressive history of embarrassing product presentations. It has become almost a tradition for each new iteration of Windows to crash on-stage to everyone else’s amusement. The…

  • iPhone 5 vs iPhone 4 Thoughts

    Wait, the iPhone 4S was sort of a disappointment because it didn’t present any innovations and was a meager update of the iPhone 4. And the iPhone 5 is sort of a disappointment because it didn’t present any innovations and is a meager update of the iPhone 4S. Apple post Jobs is just like any…