Tag: thoughts
Google Hangouts Integrates SMS, Doesn’t Violate Privacy
Our favorite privacy violator has updated Hangouts to include SMS (text) integration. According to a fierce debate, Google opted not to include SMS backups to their cloud in fear of user privacy concerns. Google is already all over my privacy so uploading my sms’ to their cloud doesn’t bother me. The stuff they got on me…
Google is Spying on Us
Google Keep is cool because it has search. However, they should let you share cards so that individual cards can become visible to several people. A Public checklist for example, or instructions to give someone. They should be editable by participants or locked but visible. I think it could work and it teaches Google what…
Being Weird is Good
Lady Gaga isn’t a marketing genius. She is a weirdo. Richard Branson isn’t a marketing genius. He’s a weirdo. All successful people are originals (weirdos) and the rest strive to copy them. Be weird. Be original. Maybe you’ll be successful at what you do. But WEIRDNESS is a must.
When Software Piracy is OK
Software piracy is bad in most cases, especially when it involves frivolously indulging in all kinds of loot found on The Pirate Bay for the sake of simple entertainment. But what about the first-time entrepreneur who self-teaches a pirated copy of Photoshop to make a logo for her first website? Or the YouTube poster who tries his…
Quote of the Day: Sunscreen
The race is long and, in the end, it is only with yourself. – Baz Luhrmann
Jira from Atlassian Sucks
Jira, the project management and bug tracking software from Atlassian SUCKS BIG TIME. It sucks so much that I had to log into my website and write this rant even though I have a thousand other more pressing things to do. Jira and it’s lack of brilliance is the most irritating piece of software I…
Quote of the Day: Marketing Barking
Your marketing should do the barking and your product do the talking. – Karl Unless you are a multi-level marketing company of course. Click to read more about product value vs marketing hype.
Value vs Hype Explained
Marketing is considered important by most people. If you are an entrepreneur chances are that you spend a serious chunk of time on it. But can really great marketing fill the gaps of a lackluster product? It depends on if you are selling value or if you are selling hype. Selling Value If you have…
Thoughts on Relativity
Protons can sporadically appear and disappear. They are subatomic and infinitely small and of almost no mass. The universe could also have been created in a similar fashion, and will disappear in a similar fashion. But becausue of its mass, there is more inertia and time distorts and gets slower. For a proton to instantaneously…
A Sunset on Mars
Watch and behold, a sunset on Mars. At first it struck me as “another” interplanetary video, but come to think about it, it is pretty amazing. Out there, one year away from our own planet a little robot landed and shot HD video — and it all looks like Arizona. It’s crazy how a place…